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Book I : Epiphany

Chapter 1:

A Tear in the Matrix
"For the medical profession this era may well be one of the most shameful and ethically questionable in its history."
Stanley Wohl, M.D. 1
American Physician,
Author, Consumer Advocate
"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them."
Linus Pauling 2
Two-time Nobel Laureate
" . . . there is no disease whose prime cause is better known. That the prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer."
Otto Warburg 3
Also a Two-time Nobel Laureate
"The American public has no idea how politics secretly control the practice of medicine. If a doctor dares to introduce a natural, less costly method, no matter how safe or effective, Organized American Medicine can target this doctor for license revocation using fear tactics and legal maneuverings. Why do holistic therapies threaten medicine? (Firstly) They involve a major change in scientific thought. (Secondly) They imply that current methods are inadequate, and, (Thirdly) they threaten huge profits ... "
James P. Carter, M.D., Ph.D. 4
American Physician
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Author: "Racketeering in Medicine"
"It is very difficult to believe that the very centers entrusted with research in cancer at such enormous expense are 'inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in cancer' but it is not so difficult to understand once the economics of cancer is grasped.
"The treatment of cancer is, after all, a business which is very lucrative and very expensive for the customer. The goal of most exclusively profit-minded business men is to sell their commodity at the highest price possible in a market where they can eliminate all competition and customers have no choice but their commodity. Such entrepreneurs secure a monopoly by convincing their customers that theirs is the only valid product available and that competitors are frauds whose product is worthless.
"A monopoly of any market is a sure source of profit; a captive clientele has no other choice. The sellers can charge any price the market will bear and can evade any responsibility for bad results because they do not and cannot give any guarantees. They eliminate all critics of their products and challenges to their authority. Their business prospers; thousands of new customers constantly replace those that disappear.
"The original John D. Rockefeller was no mean hand at spotting the commercial possibilities in any enterprise. As his millions came in, he kept reinvesting in the most profitable businesses. One day when appendectomies were the rage in the medical profession, a surgeon told John D. that everyone should have an appendectomy before the age of sixteen as a preventative. The oil wizard saw the point at once... 'Why, you've got a better thing than Standard Oil' ... "
Nat Morris 5
"The Cancer Blackout" (1959)

reat ideas and earth-shifting revelations quite often find their messengers in some state of personal tragedy at their point of discovery. Why that is, I don't know. But I can attest to its frequency in my own life; and, in fact, pathos has accompanied my life at almost every turn of substance. The greater the pain, the more sublime and consequential the noetic and spiritual epiphany that followed.
And so it was at the close 1989, the end of a tumultuous decade, during which I'd uprooted from my home in Los Angeles to move to the provincial southern town of Lake Charles, Louisiana. That year I found myself filing for corporate bankruptcy, followed by my first run-in with U.S. federal authorities, and concluding with the end of my first marriage. At the age of 33, I began the '90s by packing a few personal items into a small car and moving into a crowded, two-bedroom apartment with a friend and her three small children. It was a winter of discontent, and it would not be my last.
Concurrent with this development and in keeping with my never-ending attraction to unusual, out-of-the-box entrepreneurial possibilities, I had just recently been put in contact with a two-man business in Texas called Medical Sciences, Inc. Armed with an herbal black goo and an encapsulated herbal formula for internal use, our merry twosome could be found scampering around the South Texas hill country in lab coats and carrying stethoscopes. No satirist could possibly paint a picture of two country bumpkins who better fit the archetype of snake oil doctors selling a quack cancer cure than this duo. Despite my natural openness to investigate all things unconventional if a thread of truth could be found, I had real reservations about this one. There was just one small thing that kept me from walking away without hesitation.
Their products actually worked.
They even worked on advanced Stage IV cancers with extensive metastasis for which primary care physicians had completely given up hope. (A patient knows when his oncologist has reached that point when the subject of discussion centers on the status of his will and the settling of any unattended legal affairs.)
I watched a clumsily composed VCR tape showing case after case of grateful customers providing their own personal testimony. I could tell that, on the whole, their stories were genuine. [ See the video - ( 6 )]. I also spoke directly to a number of end users who related stories that were nothing short of miraculous. In most of these cases, orthodox medicine had failed miserably, and many had no problem sharing their disdain for conventional cancer treatment -- not because they were predisposed to any particular philosophical position, but because they were eyewitnesses to their own victimhood. And so, when able to obtain some of the topical salve myself, I applied the product on a rapidly enlarging mole that that had been growing on my face. Apparently, the vanity that had encouraged my first wife and I to purchase a sun tanning bed for one of our bedrooms had come back to haunt me. About two centimeters below my left eye, the mole wasn't just getting larger, it was getting much darker. As a student of herbology for many years, I knew the symptoms well, and yet I had delayed in seeking out the (second) opinion of a dermatologist.
The salve created a slight sting for about two days and within two weeks the resulting scab came out. Six months later, by mid-1990, I couldn't even tell I had ever had that mole. It is now 15 years later, and the growth has never returned. Now whether or not the growth was a basal or squamous cell carcinoma, I'll never know. It didn't matter to me. What mattered was that I had accidentally stumbled upon one of the cracks in modern medicine's well-crafted mythology concerning the source of "cures." I was getting sucked into a vortex of discovery that would, in time, lead me to fully view the unseen underbelly of what some call the "Medical Industrial Complex" [7], a system in which a combination of pride, profits, and prejudice had created a fabric of corruption so vast, so evil, and so breathtaking in its breadth, longevity, and audacity, that it would reshape my entire worldview... but not before entering a world of intrigue that, viewed from the perspective of most "normal" people, borders on the surreal.

Impressed with what I had observed so far, I attempted to enter into a business relationship with Medical Sciences, Inc. about this same time. Zane Blanton and Calvin Taylor proved to be very difficult people to negotiate with. Basic contractual points were altered after oral understandings were reached. Then changed again. As a friend of mine who works as an investment broker, Steve Roberts, M.D., tells me, this is the classic "mad scientist negotiation game." He says, "They are so worried that the entire world is out to screw them that you basically end up wasting weeks of time on a deal that never had a chance of reaching fruition in the first place." (Years later I would relate the entire incident to Steve, and thereafter it became an ongoing joke. I couldn't conclude a phone conversation with him without hearing a reversion to his very best imitation of a frantic, 95 year old mad scientist ... "You're trying to screeeeeeewww me!")
But mad scientists Blanton and Taylor were not -- mad or otherwise. Intellectuals they were not. Knowledgeable they were not. Delusional they were. I didn't learn this until I was contacted by the man who was actually making their product.
Enter Hal Matheny.
Hal came to my office in Lake Charles -- (my primary work space from 1986 to 2007). He revealed that his formulations were variants of the work of a Howard McCreary, a self-styled cowboy herbalist, who went around the country passing out a black herbal paste that many thousands of people had used to remove both skin cancers and a wide variety of internal cancer tumors. He told me that the formulas were so old that it would be difficult for anyone to claim authorship. However, that would not stop them from trying.
Not long after I met with Hal, he died in a mysterious -- some would say highly suspicious -- plane crash. An experienced pilot with over 5,000 hours of flight time, Hal was flying a "tail dragger" near his home in Bastrop, Texas, when suddenly this "very forgiving aircraft" made a nosedive and headed straight into the ground. A couple of months later, in the spring of 1990, I was indicted, along with three other individuals, by a grand jury in Giddings, Texas for "Theft of Trade Secrets," an action obviously engineered by Blanton and Taylor with help from friends in the local city attorney's office.
Broke and "on my last nickel," I worked with my court appointed attorney to try to make the best of being arrested for, as Taylor would put it, "stealing my cancer cure."
In the course of the ensuing investigation, another defendant and I showed the prosecution a document that would end any notion that their case had merit: U.S. Patent No. 209,331, filed in 1878 (hereafter, the "Daniel patent"). Apparently, no one connected with Taylor or Blanton had thought to see if the formulary work they were so gleefully having made was proprietary. The fact is (or was), it is, indeed, very old and very much in the public domain. Made from just three ingredients: zinc chloride, bloodroot (Papaveraceae sanguinaria canadensis) [8], and kerosene oil [9], it appears that with the substitution of water for the kerosene oil, plus the addition of galanga (Alpina officinalis, a cousin of ginger, and extraneous to the effectiveness of the formula), the "trade secret" turned out to be rarely in trade, but not very secret. Although the case, for all intents and purposes, was closed, my curiosity as to how such a miraculous "technology" (if such formulary simplicity merits the use of the term) could be in such disuse, was hardly satisfied.
How was it possible for something this simple, this inexpensive, this non-toxic (when properly used), and this highly effective, to "fall through the cracks"? Further investigations only served to call more issues into question. Apparently "Medical Sciences," with the help of Howard McCreary, had fallen upon a simple tradition of curing cancer -- so old and effective, and so empowering to ordinary people without any intervention on the part of the medical community, that its very benefits had condemned it to be professionally reviled -- thus causing it to be a permanent regulatory target.
It had a name: escharotic, a pejorative term given to it by early medical practitioners who saw their practices suffer whenever their patients were able to obtain the product. Since "eschar" comes from the Greek word for "burn," they were able to sum up their campaign to destroy the everyday use of these products in their very word to describe it. [9b] The name became so prevalent that even proponents of escharotic preparations used the term. The fictitious claim that "escharotics" do nothing more than "burn the skin" is still used to this day, with every bit the sense of gravity and feigned genuineness as it was in the 1880s. (Small problem: it isn't true. We cover that later in Chapter 2.)
And yet, escharotics turned out to be an unkillable foe, like a stubborn crabgrass that refuses to forever depart from the dichondra lover's lawn. The patent office tells the story: beginning with U.S. Patent No. 92209, filed in 1869, escharotics proceed through the Daniels patent to Patent No. 1411577 ("Mullins," filed in 1922), which is so close to Daniels' patent, I'm surprised it was issued. And then you have U.S. Patent No. 4,229,437 and 4,315,916, which supposedly use bittersweet (Celastraceae celastrus scandens), instead of bloodroot, with zinc chloride -- (although, frankly, I was confused as an herbalist, because "Solanum dulcamara" was the botanical name given for this new botanical variation, and everybody knows that's "climbing nightshade"). The claims on the wide range of skin growths this simple formula will remove is accurate, by the way.
Less creative still is U.S. Patent No. 4,515,779, filed in 1981 by John Q. Elliott -- this variant based on zinc chloride, bloodroot, and ginger root in equal amounts -- again, another very close version.
And then you have "complicated versions" (which, as you'll learn from reading this book, is the essence of medical advancement: complicated is good, more likely to earn a profit; simple is bad; people figuring things out for themselves, bad. BAD!) Two such monstrosities include U.S. Patent No. 2,344,830 (1944) and 6,558,694 (2000). Their filings may be separated by a half century; their objective and the transparency of their raison d'être are not. These forays into legalistic one-upmanship weave the formulary essence into a surgical process -- which, if you understand escharotic preparations, is completely unnecessary. Sure, it makes a lot more money for the medical community -- but it is, nonetheless, unnecessary. (This monstrous attempt to make surgery essential to a process for which the knife is totally unnecessary forms the basis for Mohs surgery, a dermatological procedure that is standard and approved in most Western countries. But I'll get to that later also.) [9c]
Some patents use obfuscating language to try and hide what really amounts to a re-filing of something quite old. Patents 4,053,630 and 4,224,339 use the same escharotic knowledge, expand the base of metal salts claimed to be effective, add commonly used organic acids (or their metal chelates) and get through on the basis that they are a treatment for disturbed keratinization.
U.S. Patent No. 4,847,083 is a variant for decubitus ulcers -- though a complex one.
None of this covers the variations yet to be used as an oral preparation. But don't worry -- the story of Vipont Pharmaceutical is upcoming. My point in even touching upon all this patent work is simply to make clear just how widespread the discoveries involving escharotics have been. This does nothing but make the effort to suppress them all that more horrific and shameful.

usiness people are often accused by those of a more singular technical or scientific frame of mind of being cerebrally challenged bean counters. They see the business, the money to be made, sure --- but they are, more times than not, incapable of grasping the "whole picture." By focusing only on the immediacy of creating profit-producing commerce, they don't allow the full blossoming of whatever science might bring. It is a recurrent theme among the technocrats of the world, and among some specialists -- ecological sociologists comes to mind; it is a vital tenet of their work.
One thing that better business people do, however -- and I aspired to embody this trait, is identify trends. You don't have to be able to fully navigate the subtleties of linear regression, but you need to be able to spot synchronicities and ask yourself, "Why?" Is the phenomena I'm observing an isolated incident? Or does it have parallels elsewhere that I can learn from? Are there tendencies I can identify? Are others aware of these trends -- and if not, can I turn them into opportunity?
It was obvious to me that escharotic preparations were, quite clearly, having taken a year of my life to study their history, use, and effects, a cure for cancer - when properly manufactured and properly applied. Not a preventive. Not a palliative. A cure. Let's spell it together: C-U-R-E.
The next question, therefore, was obvious.
Just how many other similar phenomena were out there to be "re-discovered"? Were there also highly effective cures for strokes, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and God only knew how many other lesser ailments that were being suppressed because of their simplicity and threat to the established order?
I didn't have to look far to see evidence of this "suppression pattern." The number of exposés on the criminality of the medical establishment in this area turned out to be quite overwhelming. It wasn't that a body of work documenting this kind of malfeasance wasn't out there. It just wasn't being read. Fine.
What I wanted, however, were specifics. It wasn't good enough for me to see, with crystal clarity, that the medical industrial establishment, including the pharmaceutical companies, the HMO's, hospitals, medical specialists, all their respective lobbyists, and their enforcement hacks at the Food & Drug Administration, had a vested interest in squelching competition. I went well beyond seeing that science and its applications in the world of commerce were largely guided along lines of profit, exclusivity, monopoly, and destroying competition. I understood that. I'm a businessman. What others might call a conspiracy, I can identify as "business as usual."
My inquiry had to go farther.
I wanted to know WHAT was being suppressed. Moreover, I wanted to know precisely what the inventors knew, the first victims in the chain of suppression. I wanted to find ways of marketing what they could not. As a technically-oriented business person - as well as a scientist and inventor in my own right, I wanted to learn both the technologies, and the methods to negotiate the legal and political landmines that prevented these superior methods of treatment from getting into the marketplace.
Early in the fall of 1990, I contacted a man who had achieved considerable success in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Russell T. Jordan was a man with a most interesting history. A fighter pilot in World War II, Jordan initially took the academic path before becoming a co-founder of Vipont Pharmaceutical. Jordan was already semi-retired by the time I made his acquaintance. Consulting as "MedConEx," Jordan helped me fill in some of the pieces regarding the history of escharotics.
Jordan was well familiar with escharotics when I met him. He had managed to turn his own acquaintenance with Howard McCreary into a business opportunity of his own: the creation of Vipont Pharmaceutical in Fort Collins, Colorado. Vipont's core business ended up being a dentifrice and mouthwash, although 15 out of their 23 U.S. patents revolved around bloodroot [10-24], with most of the remaining work having at least some tangential relationship [25-32]. (A variety of autobiographical histories on Vipont surfaced -- I even posted one [33] -- but Jordan appeared to stay above the fray on 'credit-taking.') [34]
At the time that I met him, Jordan was heavily involved in researching the properties of another medicinal chemical, nordihydroguararetic acid. "NDGA," as it is commonly called, is a catecholic butane, and the primary, active compound of another beloved specimen of Native American ethnobotany, chapparal (of which I worked with three out of the six species on the North American continent: Zygophyllaceae larrea divaricata, L. mexicata, and L. tridentata). Jordan began researching other medicinal herbs which could be combined with zinc chloride to get the same cancer curing effect, and sometime during the early to mid 1980s, he came upon chapparal leaves as an even better additive to the traditional zinc chloride escharotic than the bloodroot rhizome of old. Jordan's work lead to both a patent [35] and a working relationship with a struggling pharmaceutical company, Chemex Pharmaceutical, that had been trying to find its place among respectable American drug companies since its founding in 1975. Refinement of this latest embodiment of the escharotic concept lead Jordan to expand claimed proprietorship over all other catecholic butanes, besides the NDGA in chapparal [36].
It also lead to a flurry of related patent filings which did little to truly enhance the effectiveness of the original embodiment. [37-42]. The search after Jordan's contribution, as is the case with all modern drug companies, was the search for respectability, proprietorship, and government approval.
What resulted from this was the creation of Actinex (Masoprocol) as a registered tradename for NDGA; subsequent FDA approval [43] and now common usage for keratosis [44]. Chemex itself eventually merged with Access Pharmaceutical in Dallas, Texas. [45]. At least one attempt was made commercially and quite publically to make use of the zinc chloride / NDGA combination, but it was quickly taken off the market. [46].
Most of these events happened while Jordan was still alive, but well after the period from 1990 to 1991 that I worked with him. [47]. The important point to note here is that Jordan considered the reality of his discovery to be largely a case of misuse. He knew what anyone who has ever worked with the various zinc chloride embodiments in escharotics knew: they cure cancer. Relegating his findings to a treatment for keratosis marginalized the potential of the product.
Before working in the pharmaceutical industry, Jordan had been a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan. A good teacher he was, and it was he that exposed me to the political realities of modern medicine. "Health care is a misnomer," he would say, "What we have today is 'disease care.' And if a product doesn't make people in high places a lot of money, it won't have a chance of surviving in the marketplace. They'll just kill it -- and sometimes the person who introduces it."

Escharotics are especially offensive to the medical community for ten very obvious and powerful reasons. Because these reasons recur with such frequency and poignancy as we continue our study, that we will end the first chapter by enumerating them now:
  1. The Products (Escharotics) Cure Cancer.
    (And as we'll see in further chapters, so do quite a number of other suppressed treatment approaches). The escharotic versions I went on to create worked better than 99% of the time topically, and better than 50% of the time on a wide range of internal cancers, excluding blood cancers (i.e. leukemia, lymphomas, and Hodgkin's). From 1995 to 2003, I ran and operated Alpha Omega Labs (altcancer.com), after already having five years experience in working with escharotics. I created a line of escharotic products that I named "Cansema® " (merging "cancer" with the popular trademark, Noxzema® and pronounced can-see'-muh.). [47b]. In only two cases did customers "claim" that the topical product did not work, and in only one case did a customer sue (Sue Gilliatt vs. Gregory James Caton, et. al.), and in even THAT case, the plaintiff admitted in sworn deposition that her cancer had been cured. [48]. As to the internal versions of Cansema® that were escharotic (Capsules and Tonic I), few customers failed to report some progress -- if not dramatic results. We were able to produce testimonial pages displaying an array of astonishing success stories.
  2. They're cheap.
    They are easy and inexpensive to make, not to mention inexpensive to sell (relative to orthodox treatment). Cansema® Salve, the primary salve I created and sold for $49.95 USD, could be used to cure a dozen or more average sized skin carcinomas. No monopoly, big profits, or advantages of extortionary regulation to be had here. Not good for the home team.
  3. No Doctor Is Required.
    They do not require the intervention of a doctor. They place most cancer treatments on the same level as going to the local drugstore to get a topical ointment to eliminate Athlete's Foot.
  4. They're Non-Toxic.
    They are not at all toxic topically. The internal variations are potentially toxic (especially with the use of bloodroot, which contain potent alkaloids, notably sanguarene), but not if properly formulated -- with adherence to a clearly stated, properly tested protocol.
  5. They Expose Long-Standing Industry and Government-Based Fraud of Unimaginable Proportion.
    Their very existence makes clear what an enormous fraud that orthodox chemotherapy, radiation, and most surgery are. Moreover, their efficacy exposes what a joke the multibillion dollar "cancer research" industry is and has been for the better part of a century.
  6. They're Non-Patentable.
    They cannot be meaningfully patented. Those escharotics that have been patented could not be reasonably defended. Without a basis to secure a monopoly, no faction with the drug industry could possibly condone the public becoming knowledgeable in the use of escharotics.
  7. They Do Not Lend Themselves to Proprietary Ownership and the Monopolistic Privileges It Brings.
    They've been around for so long that no one can claim credit or ownership to the essential principles behind them -- the principles supporting their efficacy.
  8. Indigenous Ethnobotanical Origins Are Shown to Be Superior.
    Escharotics' origins -- that is, if anyone at all is to get credit for their discovery -- go back to indigenous and aboriginal sources. Nothing is more embarrassing to modern science than the admission that we have spent many hundreds of billions of dollars on a project, and still we cannot improve upon the advice of medicine men ("those brute savages!") who fail to bow to the gods of our superior, industrial, mechanistic universe. This is cognitive dissonance we shall not put up ed! It is a "tear in the matrix" that threatens to create a cascade among the weary electorate who just might decide to become "unplugged."
  9. True Democracy Is Exposed as a Sham
    Escharotics' existence undermines the legitimacy of representative democracy. It allows even the more obtuse among the civically ignorant citizenry to view the mythology of "government by the people" in all its disinformation. If escharotics are not proof that most Western democracies are, in actuality, plutocracies that put the interest of the rich and influential over those of the common man, nothing is. If the average citizen in the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, etc. knew what I knew, they would know that they possess absolute proof, in their hands, that modern medicine is the story of creative financial servitude. They would know that their so-called "elected representatives" are not only complicit, but are owned -- lock, stock, and barrel -- by the power elite. They would internalize, with unmistakeable clarity, the evidence that their houses of political representation were, in fact, little more than multinational corporate brothels. Not that many are not already aware of the fact; but it would most decidedly raise, as Alan Watts used to say, the "intensity of the concept" to a higher level of outrage. Most people, to this point, have not had the capacity to understand the cruel machinations that sit behind this kind of brutality.
  10. Knowledge of their Existence and Proper Use Would Lead to the Wholesale Bankruptcy of the Medical Industry in the West
    If the preparation and use of escharotics were widely known to ordinary citizens, this knowledge among the "People" would only lead to the embracing of other, equally effective natural remedies that are far superior to anything that modern medicine, generally -- and more specifically, modern pharmacology -- has to offer. Any significant movement in this direction would have an accelerating character and would -- as I will expand upon in upcoming chapters -- bring about the financial decimation of the pharmaceutical industry in the West and much of the medical industry that is allied to it.
Remember these conditions -- integral to what I call the "Suppression Pattern" -- as they form a recurrent theme in this book. The concept is further refined as as the book progresses -- and, in fact, I will refer back to these points as the "Ten Conditions" in subsequent chapters.
For now, before I can complete the chronology of events that leads to the present, it is important to examine a brief history of escharotics, specifically; and trends in medical suppression, generally.
Unless you believe, with the clarity and intensity that I believe, that these Conditions are true and beyond the pale of exaggeration or embellishment, you will not be able to appreciate the latter sections of this book and what they mean for you, your family, and society.
That is why I devote enough time and attention in what follows so you can see the Suppression Pattern for what it is and what it has done to Western Civilization.
Once you internalize these concepts with clarity, you will never be the same person again.

  1. Stanley Wohl, The Medical Industrial Complex, (1984). I offer this as the first quote of the book not because it represents the thesis of the book, but because it summates the first light of dawn that this chapter represents. As we will see in later chapters, a major position put forth by Meditopia is that not only is orthodox medicine irreparably corrupt but that the seeds of its perversity are woven into a 6,000 year old age-defining, cultural operation system that is, in reality, its unseen foundation and influence -- its apparentation, to use the language but not the argument of Arnold Toynbee.
  2. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/l/linuspauli159885.html ... Linus Pauling is an important figure in Meditopia. [See his last known video (of which we show an rough, second-hand excerpt), discusses the value of Vitamin C / Lysine as an effective combination in the treatment of cardiovascular disease . . . which we discuss further in Chapter 4, Section 4.
  3. Otto Warburg, The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer; Wurzburg, Germany. Konrad Triltsch, 1967. A brief biograpy can be viewed at: http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1931/warburg-bio.html. An ironic side note is that the first of Dr. Warburg's two Nobel prizes came in 1931 for discovering that "the cause of cancer is due to a lack of cellular oxygen."
  4. James P. Carter, M.D., Dr. P.H., Racketeering in Medicine, 1992. p. i.
  5. Nat Morris, The Cancer Blackout, Regent House, Los Angeles, Calif. (USA), 1977 (Fifth edition), p. 199.
  6. In October, 2006, I found a copy of the old Medical Sciences, Inc. Promotional Video (1989), and had it converted into WMV files. It can be viewed in its entirety on the Meditopia video page, broken down into four ten minute segments. To understand the more personal elements of Meditopia, a viewing of the video is highly recommended but is not essential.
  7. Stanley Wohl, The Medical Industrial Complex, (1984).
  8. Concerning the use of taxonomy: most references use genus and species/subspecies in identifying a plant. Since the work of Dr. Jonathan Hartwell and others use "family," as their first major category, I've decided to stick to their system of nomenclature. So whenever the Latin (botanical) name of a plant is given in this monogram, note that the listing is in the family / genus / species / subspecies (if any) order. For more commonly known herbs, I have elected to eliminate "family."
  9. U.S. Patent No. 209,331. Without the addition of the kerosene oil, even in this 1878 patent there would be nothing proprietary. Twenty years earlier, Fell and Pattison published escharotics of their own, wherein the only difference is their use of water instead of a petroleum distillate. 9b --- The use of the word "eschar" even pre-dates Paracelsus, who is covered in the next chapter. The OED traces the use of the word back to 1430, where "eschar" is defined as "a brown or black dry slough, resulting from the destruction of a living part, either by gangrene, by burn, or by caustics." See The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition (ISBN: 0-19-861258-3), 1991, p. 387. 9c --- Even in the 1800s, long before Moh's surgery, "conventional wisdom" held that "escharotics" were best used in m with surgery. (Based on my many years of working with escharotic materials, I have found that it was as unnecessary then and it is now, in the vast majority of cases.) See: Munro, John Cummings, "Escharotics in the Treatment of Malignant Disease." Boston Surgical and Medical Journal. Eds. George B. Shattuck and Charles F. Withington (19 September 1889) 121.12. Boston: Damrell and Upham, 1889. p. 272-75. Google Books. However, a deeper study of the literature of the time indicates that although caustics were begrudgingly acknowledged as being useful in the treatment of "epithelial ulcers," "when it comes to malignant disease . . . surgical intervention is the only proper resource." Cha-ching! See: JAMA, Volume 37, Oct. 19, 1901, p. 1015.
  10. U.S. Patent No. 4,145,412; "Composition for application to oral cavity and method for preparation thereof," filed February 14, 1977 by Peter A. Ladanyi for Vipont Chemical Company.
  11. U.S. Patent No. 4,406,881; "Antimicrobial agent," same stated inventor, but the company name has been changed to Vipont Laboratories; filed September 18, 1981.
  12. U.S. Patent No. 4,517,172; "Plaque disclosing agent," inventor: George L. Southard, and now it's Vipont Laboratories, Inc., the assignee for this and most of the patents that follow below through Note #25. Somebody's moving up in the world. Filed December 29, 1983.
  13. U.S. Patent No. 4,590,061; "Antimicrobial plaque disclosing agent," Southard. Filed May 10, 1985.
  14. U.S. Patent No. 4,599,228; "Antimicrobial agent," back to Ladanyi. Filed January 25, 1984.
  15. U.S. Patent No. 4,683,133; "Method for treating periodontal disease," Southard. Filed August 20, 1985.
  16. U.S. Patent No. 4,689,216; "Sanguinarine dental compositions with hydrated silica," Greene. Filed August 25, 1987.
  17. U.S. Patent No. 4,735,945; "Method for inhibiting bone resorption and collagenase release," Sakamoto, et al. Filed April 5, 1988.
  18. U.S. Patent No. 4,737,503; "Method for inhibiting the release of histamine," Sakamoto, et al. Filed April 12, 1988.
  19. U.S. Patent No. 4,767,861; "Recovery of benzo-c-phenanthridine alkaloids," Boulware. Filed August 30, 1988.
  20. U.S. Patent No. 4,769,452; "Production of purity benzo-c-phenanthridine alkaloid salts," Boulware. Filed September 6, 1988.
  21. U.S. Patent No. 4,818,533; "Production of high purity alkaloids," Boulware, et al. Filed April 4, 1989.
  22. U.S. Patent No. 5,013,553; "Drug delivery devices," Southard, et al. Filed May 7, 1991.
  23. U.S. Patent No. 5,066,483; "Oral rinse compositions," Harkrader, et al. Filed November 19, 1991.
  24. U.S. Patent No. 5,175,000; "Free amine benzophenanthridine alkaloid compositions," Godowski, et al. December 29, 1992.
  25. U.S. Patent No. 4,975,271; "Mucosal delivery systems for treatment of periodontal disease," Dunn, et al. Filed Demcember 4, 1990.
  26. U.S. Patent No. 5,060,825; "Irrigation system and method for delivering a selected one of multiple liquid solutions to a treatment site," Palmer, et al. Filed October 29, 1991.
  27. U.S. Patent No. 5,077,049; "Biodegradable system for regenerating the periodontium," Dunn, et. al. Filed December 31, 1991.
  28. U.S. Patent No. 5,199,604; "Irrigation system and method for delivering a selected one of multiple liquid solutions to a treatment site," Palmer, et al. Filed September 23, 1991.
  29. U.S. Patent No. 5,200,194; "Oral osmotic device," Edgren, et al. Filed April 6, 1993.
  30. U.S. Patent No. 5,324,520; "Intragingival delivery systems for treatment of periodontal disease," Dunn, et. al. Filed April 13, 1993.
  31. U.S. Patent No. 5,395,615; "Free amine benzophenanthridine alkaloid compositions," Godowski, et. al. Filed September 30, 1992.
  32. U.S. Patent No. 6,465,521; "Composition for desorbing bacteria," Rosenberg. Filed October 15, 2002.
  33. "Vipont Chemical Pharmaceutical Company." http://www.altcancer.net/mccrear2.htm. Narrated by Clark Bigham.
  34. Jordan suspected that a product that worked this well for so many suffers of gingivitis -- one that didn't require input from doctors or dentists -- would eventually be the target of the orthodox community. He was right. See: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/12/011227075007.htm "American Cancer Society funds study to show relationship between Viadent, or sanguinarine, use and leukoplakia." I suspected they would eventually target a bloodroot-based dentifrice for other reasons, so I took Jordan's advice and formulated an "escharotic toothpaste" that replied primarily on zinc chloride and chapparal instead. See http://www.altcancer.net/tpaste.htm
  35. U.S. Patent No. 4,774,229; "Modification of plant extracts from zygophyllaceae and pharmaceutical use therefor," Russell T. Jordan; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed May 7, 1986.
  36. U.S. Patent No. 4,880,637; "Compositions of catecholic butanes with zinc." Russell T. Jordan; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. October 28, 1986.
  37. U.S. Patent No. 4,895,727; "Pharmaceutical vehicles for exhancing penetration and retention in the skin." Larry M. Allen; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed May 3, 1985.
  38. U.S. Patent No. 5,008,294; "Methods of treating tumors with compositions of catecholic butanes." Neiss, et. al.; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed June 3, 1987.
  39. U.S. Patent No. 5,116,149; "Methotrexate compositions and methods of treatment using same." Loev; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed June 10, 1991.
  40. U.S. Patent No. 5,292,731; "Methods of treatment using methotrexate compositions." Loev; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed July 21, 1992.
  41. U.S. Patent No. 5,409,690; "Treatment of multidrug resistant diseases in cancer cell by potentiating with masoprocol." Howell, et al.; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Note: masoprocol is the new, fancy name for NDGA. Filed June 23, 1993.
  42. U.S. Patent No. 5,541,232; "Treatment of multidrug resistant diseases." Howell, et al.; assigned to Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. Filed June 23, 1994.
  43. Actinex is on the U.S. FDA's approved drug list: http://www.fda.gov/cder/rxotcdpl/pdpl_200012.htm. It was approved in 1992 for "skin lesions caused by overexposure to sunlight." See: http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/ANS00463.html. Block Drug (Jersey City, NJ) is listed as the manufacturer, since this was the company to which Chemex Pharmaceutical sold the rights to Actinex.
  44. Masoprocol (Actinex) is now an approved dermatologic agent used primarily to treat actinic keratoses. See: http://www.healthdigest.org/drugs/masoprocol.html. For the most basic protocol in layman's terms: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/medmaster/a601075.html. See in relation to other medications for keratoses and common skin cancers: http://www.nym.org/healthinfo/docs/020/doc20treatments.html.
  45. Chemex Pharmaceutical, Inc. was reverse merged into Access Pharmaceutical, Inc. See: http://informagen.com/Resource_Informagen/Full/5/3025.php. Corporate site: http://www.accesspharma.com. This was an inevitable occurrence, following Chemex's delisting from NASDAQ in 1995. See http://http://informagen.com/Resource_Informagen/Deprecated/5/3025.php.
  46. HerbClip catalog sheet: http://www.herbalgram.org/wholefoodsmarket/herbclip/pdfs/021071-108.pdf The product's primary ingredients were NDGA and chapparal. It was taken off the market in 1997 for unspecified reasons by the manufacturer, Stiefel Laboratories, Inc. (Coral Gables, FL). It has not returned to market. This catalog sheet itself was put out by ABC (American Botanicla Council), (512) 331-8868. Bin #108.
  47. Russell T. Jordan was born on January 28, 1919 and died on August 17, 2003 -- exactly one month to the day before my arrest. I was released on May 27, 2004 and spoke with Grace, Russell's wife of 57 years, on June 9, 2004. She indicated to me that Russell had become stricken with hepatitis after a botched surgery at a VA hospital. He was also diabetic and had a touch of Parkinson's towards the end. His passing was peaceful. See http://informagen.com/Resource_Informagen/Deprecated/2/1352.php --- 47b --- Cansema® was registered with the U.S. Trademark & Patent Office in 2004 by Herbologics, Ltd., a Louisiana corporation I created in 1993. The manner in which corrupt FDA officials have helped various entities, including Rising Sun (www.bloodrootproducts.com) violate the trademark -- and worse: turning the other way in the face of variations which are provably alterated and misbranded, is the subject of a later chapter.
  48. Sue Gilliatt's entire deposition can be viewed from this site. It is in DOC file format -- nearly 1.2 megs in size, so please allow time for the download. [Case No. 1:03-CV-1183 LJM-WTL, Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division; Sue Gilliatt (Plaintiff) vs. Gregory J. Caton, Lumen Foods Corporation d/b/a Alpha Omega Labs, Dan Raber, Appalachian Herbal Remedies, Pangea Remedies, The Deodorant Stone Co., and DSMC (Defendents). Ms. Gilliatt sued even though she admitted under oath that her cancer was cured by Caton's and/or Raber's products. Read end of page 38 through middle of page 39 in the deposition.
Linus Pauling

Two-time Nobel Prize winner, Pauling [bio], was frequently critical of the role that money and politics played in misdirecting both fundamental science and its applications for the betterment of humanity. Following his foray into the properties and benefits of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), the orthodox medical community attempted to paint Pauling as an eccentric scientific lunatic who'd been spending too much time in the laboratory breathing volatile fumes of unknown origin. Nonetheless, they were unsuccessful in tarnishing his reputation.

Otto Warburg

Warburg, like Pauling, also belonged to the rarified field of 20th century scientists who had garnered two Nobel Prizes. (Actually, Warburg earned his first in 1931; and then a second, which he was prevented from collecting in Stockholm, due to German policies at the time. Warburg's stature in the German scientific community did not prevent him from paying for his Jewish heritage.) Warburg was also outspoken concerning the role of money and politics in "inhibiting" the goal of eradicating cancer. Warburg's emphasis on prevention was later studied by James Sheridan, who ended up developing the Protocel product. Though Warburg used language that was less caustic than Pauling -- a feature largely attributable to their very different personalities -- the point made by both was unmistakeable. "Prophets of agnosticism" demonstrates in three simple words Warburg's insight into the degree to which the mechanistic paradigm has infected the soul of medicine -- cleaving it from its humanity. It also shows that although he may not have articulated the movement along the "Exosomatic Axis" (covered in a later chapter), he clearly understood that taking a direction away from simple, natural, scientifically well-founded principles of health care, towards more complex, high profit, high entropy systems was misguided. By "agnosticism," he also implied that we have the knowledge to prevent and cure cancer, we simply don't want to know the truth -- if only because the truth interferes with certain money-making, policy-influencing agendas.

Otto Warburg

Dr. Russell Jordan was instrumental in creating Vipont Pharmaceutical, as a result of what he learned from Howard McCreary. (Russell Jordan is the "friend" who is anonymously disclosed in Clark Bigham's Contemporary History of the Escharotic Black Salve). The initial section on the history of escharotics demonstrates a lack of knowledge about the true history and antiquity behind escharotics. I get to that in Chapter 2. But the section on Vipont Pharmaceutical is quite enlightening. Alpha did a similar story in the first edition of its Ashwin monthly publication, and more extensively, in a December, 2001 piece.

The suppression of escharotics for nearly 150 years by the orthodox medical community is, in the opinion of the author, one of the most scandalous episodes in the history of medicine. No other event so glaringly demonstrates the corruption of the system and the supremacy of money, power, politics, and market share over science, humanity, or any semblance of decency, morality or ethics.
Aside from our own photographic endeavors, the best pictorial case we ever received from a customer came from Dr. Stephen Weeks in Seattle.
Since some understanding of what an escharotic salve does is germane to fully internalizing the particulars of Chapter 1, I briefly cover the process below. That Cansema® cured cancer became to us as much a certitude as the observable, scientifically verifiable fact that hydrogen peroxide kills microbes topically. As the years passed and hundreds of testimonials poured in by mail and email (thousands if you include all the telephonic inputs), we only became more amazed that something so simple had been so effectively held back from the public -- for horrific reasons involving politics and greed. Hence, did the by-line of Alpha Omega Labs came to be: 'The Triumph of Medical Science Over Politics & Greed.' And for nine glorious years, a triumph it was (1994-2003) before the raid.
Considering that the internal versions work so well on such a broad range of life-threatening cancers, that orthodox medicine would, in effect, be willing to enforce a system of eugenics and see many tens of millions of people die painful deaths so that their select few could maximize profit seemed unthinkable.
It isn't.
It is a sad and shameful, but readily verifiable fact.
And now the pictures . . .

Stage 1: Eschar Formation
(Melanoma Shown)
Eschar Formation
With escharotics that attain to the level of performance of Cansema, the results are unmistakeable. And initially this means that the product reacts with cancerous tissue, destroys it, forms an eschar, while failing to do anything more to healthy tissue than produce mild irritation. Even in the one and only "victim" that the FDA used to incarcerate me, the subject, under oath, stated that her cancer had been cured (see deposition, pg. 38-39, or see 48). She said she was suing because she thought Cansema® also harmed healthy tissue, though she could not provide any reasonable foundation for her assertion.
The variety of escharotic reactions is staggering. Eschars are usually round, but pus can be white, green, yellow, greenish yellow, red, brown, grey, even black. I created a special instructions page, and a page devoted to summary of possible physiological reactions, pain management, vet applications, suppository applications (I built our own suppository manufacturing facility for this purpose), a legalities page, and a set of testimonials unlike I have even seen on the internet for any conventional product devoted to removing cancers -- regardless of kind or location.
The photo above appears on the Cansema introduction page; enlarged still further in a separate pictorial section. But it was only one among many such photos on the site. Early on we posted a photo of an eschar formation after Cansema® was applied to yet another melanoma.

Stage 2: Edema & Isolation
Edema & Isolation
This is a reduction of the first melanoma example we provided in our Cansema® pictorial section. Edema, the buildup of bodily fluid as an immunological response to the identification of an invasive agent to the body, is a given with Cansema, or any other well-crafted escharotic, when applied to a cancer. Perhaps I worked that poorly. It might be better to say that when Cansema® is in proximity to a cancerous growth, necrosis and edema can be the anticipated reactions. To not have a death of the cancer and a edematous response is a strange and rare anomaly.

Stage 3: Eschar Containment
Edema Containment
A fitting description is found on the melanoma pictorial page -- restated here: "The eschar begins to dry up like any other scab. As healthy dermal layers are formed beneath the eschar, which nears perfect and separate formation, it is slowly ejected from the body. Edema and redness disappear."
A recurring problem with customers who were not working with a health care professional was a failure to follow instructions -- at every stage of the process. In the case of Stage 3, some customers would pick at the eschar instead of allowing the process to proceed naturally on its own. In the case of Sue Gilliatt, the woman who worked with the FDA to destroy the Alpha Omega Labs operation, we had one of the more bizarre examples of this deviation from simple instructions. Sue actually testified under oath that she removed her own eschar with a pair of embroidery scissors -- this, the best "victim" the FDA could come up with. (And no, I'm not kidding; see page 98 of the Gilliatt deposition). Nonetheless, the instructions stand for all to see -- simple and easy for any normal adult to follow.

Stage 4: Edema Expulsion
Again, from the first melanoma pictorial page: "The entire eschar, representing what had been a thriving cancer only days before, is pushed out of the body when the last connective skin tissue beneath it is broken or deteriorates. What remains at the site of expulsion is a decavitation, which we will examine next ... "
When left to Mother Nature, the resulting scarring was minimal -- certainly, from our experience, much less than if the growth had been removed surgically -- MUCH less. In time, even the scarring that remained after three months began, over time, to decrease to the point where many customers reported that you could not tell that a growth of any kind had ever existed on the applied area.

Stage 5: Decavitation
After the eschar comes out, a "decavitated area remains." Epidermal layers have not completely formed, so to the lay person the area can look extremely raw and unprotected. Nonetheless, in the thousands of cases we were involved in, never once did we have a case of secondary infection resulting from the process. We stated this clearly on the site, and it is true to this day.
For individuals who were not going through a health care practitioner, this stage was the scariest for the uninitiated. In the case of larger growths, the sheer rawness of what appeared to be unprotected tissue could be quite unsightly. For the experienced user, Stage 5 was not a problem.

Stage 6: Heal Over
Eschar Formation
"The epidermal layers have come in. There is usually minimal scarring and discoloration, where instructions have been thoroughly followed. In time even the little scarring seen at right will be marginalized." (See melanoma pictorial.)

In time, the success of Cansema® in terms of performance became so assured that our focus changed to various methods of minimizing scarring. Three areas of investigation were represented on the site: bio-oxidative therapies (which didn't always represent itself in terms of a product introduction -- as in our treatment of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)); silicon sheeting; and, a new area of research, stabilized hydronium (H3O), which was so ahead of its time that it became an area not only of vexatious litigation, but the U.S. federal government's fabricated basis for raiding (and destroying) Alpha Omega Laboratories.
All three approaches had their advantages, but overall, H3O worked the best. It worked so well that a variety of medical doctors used our H3O for post-surgical cleaning to help accelerate the healing of the wound. One such doctor was Dr. Charles Smith in Dallas, Texas. In the case of one vexatious litigation, Sharon Lee, Dr. Smith and Alpha Omega Labs were both sued -- and the case was settled out of court after I was imprisoned and the plaintiff lawyer used a variety of tactics to try and destroy the reputation (and the medical license) of the good doctor. In the end Ms. Lee and her attorney walked away with $500,000 total in insurance monies.
. . . for a medical injury that could not possible have happened, just on the basis of what is even scientifically possible. (Proof that stabilized H3O, as we sold it, is completely non-caustic and non-corrosive is provided on this site).

Is Impossible
Without Media

Noam Chomsky has long been an outspoken critic of the outrages of U.S. foreign policy. In Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda he narrows in on the role of the media in keeping the implausible integral to the "common narrative." What he observes is systemic, even if he chooses not to emphasize it: you'll find it in every facet of modern civilization from education, energy policy, transportation, communications, agriculture . . . and, as Meditopia makes clear, medicine. It grows from the same diseased tree limb as Orwellian Doublespeak.
This puny quick-read is not as detailed in historic richness as his Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, but it is more current. Although a good primer would help in reading this aspect of Chomsky's work (see Edward Bernays' Propaganda), one sees the results of its employment everywhere. (See Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press).
The average citizen, caught as he is the snare of the "common narrative," doesn't realize the degree to which propaganda -- and even more drastic methods of mind-control -- are critical and at the very foundation of modern governance. And yet I err in even suggesting that the practice is modern, for such advice goes back to antiquity in this Age. "It is easy to persuade the People about some particular matter, but it is hard to hold them to that persuasion. Hence, it is necessary to provide that when the People no longer believe, they can be forced to believe." (The Prince, p. 27).

The concept of "journalism as propaganda," like most things in life, is never grasped as vividly as when you are able to witness it close up. And so it came to pass that while I was in U.S. federal prison (2005), my wife, Cathryn, received a phone call from author, Dan Hurley, who indicated that he was calling to get information about my case. When the subject of FDA abuses came up from my wife, Dan Hurley was quick to interject, "Oh no. That's not what I'm writing about. I'm only out to write the truth . . . "
Soon enough it became apparently that Hurley had already established his informational filters: if what he gathered was largely SUPPORTIVE of orthodox medicine, it had a place in his forthcoming book; if it could discredit natural medicine, he was interested -- the more sensational the better. A predetermined thesis had been created and the author wasn't about to veer from it.
In the end, my place in Hurley's book was not minor. It was upfront and center. In fact, the books begins with a nineteen page Prologue entitled, "Sue Gilliatt's Nose." The portrayal of this alleged victim is intimate, detailed, and sympathetic. He could have placed Sue Gilliatt's position juxtapost to my own. He didn't. He could have listened to my or my wife's side of the events. He didn't. He could have received information showing that Sue Gilliatt and her attorney committed an enormous fraud upon the courts to pilfer $800,000 from my insurance company. None of those details made it into the book because the author made his goal plain and clear to my wife from their first conversation: his goal was to present his prepackaged truth -- one designed to discredit an entire industry that competes with orthodox medicine.
Such is the goal, meaning and purpose of propaganda.
Associates who heard of the book told me to pay no mind. After all, the book (on my last investigation) never managed to ascend above #42,000 on Amazon.com's book sales list. (As one publisher told me jokingly, "That means your mother, two uncles, and a cousin bought` your book. It has no traction with a larger audience.") In fact, I have no doubt that my bringing it up on Meditopia will cause more copies to be sold via those who are merely curious than it has ever sold to date on its own.
But that misses the point entirely.
Endorsed, as it is by such orthodox medical figures as Stephen Barrett with Quackwatch ("a 'must' reading for all Americans ... ") and Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine ("quite simply the best book I've seen on this important subject . . . authoritative"), I would have written Meditopia to counter the breathtaking collage of false and misleading statements if this book had sold no copies at all.
I would have written Meditopia if only because I know that this book reflects how the established medical community thinks; that it is contemptuous of empirical reality; that it perversely opposes the application of a concept so basic and simple that you hear it at many sporting events: "May the best man win," which applied to medicine means "May the treatment that permanently cures the patient and is proven to do so safely, effectively, and inexpensively win"; that I had the power to expose the irreparable cracks in the foundation that is their paradigm -- a system so astonishingly corrupt that it cannot be repaired. It can only be destroyed and rebuilt.
Suffice it to say that most books are written in the pursuit of far less noble objectives.