omorrow (9/24/04) I go back to prison
for what is appearing to be approximately 17 months. In looking
back at the Meditopia site -- what it turned into in the four
short months I had to do the basic research and hurriedly
jot down my thoughts, it is a good beginning.

But that's all it is.

Lately, in light of the
behavior of the U.S. federal government as it pertains to me
and my case, I have been receiving correspondence with no
return address, typed . . . and unsigned. There is, however,
always one or more clues so that I know who sent it.

Yesterday, I received such
a letter from a friend from MIU (the university in Iowa I attended some
25 years ago and which was mentioned briefly in
Chapter 5).
It was brief, consoling, admonishing, and
"I just wanted you to know that my thoughts and attention
will be on you and with you in the coming months. We are
either ushering in a new era which will be really
magnificent or we are going to fail. It could go either
optimist that I am, I believe it will be the former.
Whether that is the case or not a man is not judged by
the creator according to popular opinion or political
correctness. He is judged for his quest for truth and
his willingness to help his fellow man. On that score,
I feel you have no worry, no matter what society says.
great contrarian thinker, Humphrey Clinker said:
'The public is always right but at the wrong times.'
there is one thing that no one can ever take from you.
That is the technique to know the Self. This might be a
great opportunity to go deeply within your own awareness
to get new insights and future directions.
more that I study the Vedas, the more I realize that
everything is there inside and that mining this fertile
field is much more productive than taking the awareness
out into the relative field of existence. So, Nature
is providing you with a splendid opportunity to take
that dive within. You have the technique. Now you
will have the time. Bring the boundless into the
are whole universes for you to uncover and
whole new discoveries to make that could dwarf what you
have done so far. I hope you will use the time to great
advantage and come out refreshed and with a new vision
of purpose.
eva jayate is an expression that means that
truth alone triumphs."

As I continue
my work to help bring about a Meditopia -- I find myself
having to work from "the other side." But perhaps,
in the grand scheme of things, that's where it all
has to happen right now. Only God knows.

You, the
reader, are left to contemplate what your role is,
how God intends to manifest it through you, and
what you do with the revelations you receive -- because
if you are open to what is stirring in the Universe,
receive them you will.

How you
bring them forth in the field of action will
determine you future role in the Unfolding.

long for now!