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he inspiration for this website -- which you grasp very early on the reading of Meditopia, The Book, was initially my observation that most cancers (and in time I would learn that you could extend this to heart disease, AIDS, arthritis, and a potpouri of other diseases) were not only easy to cure, but that the most effective remedies were inexpensive, had origins that took them back to antiquity, were non-toxic, and vastly superior to the majority of treatments and products that were proffered by "officialdom" -- the political consortium frequently referred to as the "Medical Industrial Complex." It was shocking to me that my government fostered such enormously unbridled tyrannical forces that prevented people from getting the care they needed; that in this one area, the force of money and power could work so ravenously to enslave people financially, and, in many cases, kill them in order to maximize profits for vested interests.
The more educated of my readers may well yawn at this observation. After all, is it not almost a cliché that power works for power's sake? That the power elite exists to serve itself and representative democracy, as it is practiced in the West, is a smoke screen to keep the "sheeple" in line? And as it pertains to "health care," does it not only make sense that those "solutions" that make the people in high places the most amount of money will naturally put low cost competitors out to pasture?
Such an insouciant response might be warranted if this were just about money. It isn't.
It's about killing people to make a buck -- with emphasis on the killing.
All the members of my family are U.S. citizens. My wife and I both have ancestors who fought this country's conflicts going all the way back to the French & Indian Wars. The most recent immigrants to be found in either of our families come from my mother's side -- I had great grandparents who came from Hungary in the early 1900's. We have been quintessentially American -- in our language, culture, and entrepreneurial ambitions that extend well beyond the lavish praises of Tocqueville.
We went to school and grazed on a corn-fed diet of American mythology that in a world so full of barbarism, ours was a land of freedom, equality, and justice. Ours was the American way. For a lifetime before I was exposed to the thoughts of Chomsky, Johnson, Blum, Illich, McKeown, Dubos, Zinn, Quigley, Luxemborg -- and dozens of other writers and intellectuals whose work I finally took time to read while imprisoned, the first nine months of which was spent sitting in a Louisiana jail awaiting FDA charges -- I was a believer.
The revelation that the world you hold so sacred is morally bankrupt -- that the myths, or collective "common narrative," you were programmed to believe are insidiously convoluted distortions of the truth -- comes hard.
I will not recount here the details of the FDA raid that put my family out of business. I will not detail any of the cases on this page of the thousands of people we helped worldwide -- many whose lives we saved. You can read about that on the Alpha Omega Labs' site. Ultimately, this site is not about me, or my family, or my opinions, or my life. It's about real, genuine health care. It's about a dominant human culture we can create that lives in tune with the Earth after the Petri dish gets cleaned out. It's about a "startup" opportunity in the face of an inevitable collapse of our complex, "high entropy" global ("Western") culture.
Meditopia is about a "place" of healing -- for ourselves, for our environment, for the Earth. The primary focus, however, is taking the unspeakable depth of corruption that has befallen our "health care system" (the cruelest misnomer and most propaganda-laden oxymoron I have ever heard), learning from its tragedy, understanding why its obliteration is a mathematical certainty (even if the "when" or the exact "trigger event" is debatable), and resurrecting a true system of health care from its ashes.
If there were some other publication or online document that addressed these issues in a coherent, cohesive way -- bringing together the many diverse areas of thought and practice that would contribute to such a vision and unify its many branches, I would be its most active proponent and cheerleading activist. For a man in my circumstances, it is infinitely easier to promote someone else's work than to go to the trouble of producing your own -- at considerable expense and with no remuneration of any kind in sight, other than the deep-seated conviction that I could, in the aftermath, stare into the face of my Creator and say that I had completed my mission to the best of my earthly abilities.
As it is, if this other document exists, I am not aware of it.
I know that some people will log onto this site to see the videos -- or get some of my most proprietary formulas. That's human nature. But to do so without reading the book is to cheat yourself and renege on your responsibility -- to yourself, to your family, and to your community.
Except for the $8.00 to have a CD shipped to you (see video), which is entirely optional -- since you can see the videos on this site for free -- this site does not exist to sell you anything -- so don't even ask. The price you pay for the information we provide is that you educate yourself . . . for the very first time. That's what the book is there for.
With the Meditopia book you will see "the Matrix" for what it is. You will discover why it must come to an end and how you can become "unplugged." You can tell me if you think I'm exaggerating after you've read the enclosed.
But first -- "take the red pill."
And be prepared to see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.