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Feature Article
Why is the
variable, biphasic low frequency square wave
generator being suppressed? Why don't medical
authorities want the public to know how
inexpensively they can control their own
'pathogenic microbial load' and both
prevent and treat a host of disease?
Could it have anything to do with
pharmaceutical corporate profit?
After all -- it takes $50 in
'Radio Shack' parts to make this
(Discussed at the end of the
Preparations video).
 The first six
chapters of Meditopia are now online --
( Table of Contents).
We invite any and all comments on our
email page.
A tentative publication date for a far more
expanded version in hard copy
is now indeterminant. Enjoy this free
online version!.
Top of Page
"Exploring a new science of
perfect health through our return
to spiritually-centered, endosomatic, low entropy, healing concepts & techniques,
while preparing for the death of the profit-based, 'disease-care' system."
"Introductory page
and utilities"
"List the chapters of the
online book version of Meditopia"
Welcome to Meditopia.org
(Chapters 1 - 6 Now Online ; The Rest is Coming.)
Meditopia represents
the philosophy of
Alpha Omega Labs'
founder, Greg Caton, as it
pertains to "optimal" healing systems -- further described on
the Welcome page. This site addresses
the following areas:
How the author came to discover formulas and methods
that cured thousands of cancer patients over a
14 year period ... the majority for well under $100 ...
over 99%, topically; over 50%, internally. The
foundation for most of this work was well-developed
in the 1800's -- effectively suppressed by
Organized Medicine for financial gain.
- Contains
Patents, Formulas, and Case Histories
on Effective Cures for Cancer, Heart Disease,
Arthritis, Diabetes ... all effective, all with
extensive histories, and all officially
suppressed by medical authorities. Discusses
the how and why behind official medical suppression.
Why most commercial marketed herbal
products on the market don't work -- how regulatory authorities
allow and even encourage marginal "natural" products so that
the reputation for "alternatives" in the marketplace
is adversely affected.
The Great American Medical Holocaust: How official
medical suppression dating in the modern era from
the 1840's has prematurely killed tens of millions of people.
How the U.S. FDA has used the powers obtained
through American imperialism to squash real medical
advances, domestic and foreign.
How such medical suppression is helping to bankrupt
the so-called "health care" system.
- How entropic societal forces will eventually bring an end to
the Holocaust, creating an era of truly effective,
non-toxic, non-invasive, inexpensive medical treatments and
This will mark the end of the current era of medical
barbarism and financial servitude. How every reader
of this book can contribute to that process.
The cultural, political, and economic structures
that will evolve to create a Meditopia -- a state
where true 'health care' replaces the current,
profit-based 'disease & symptom care' model.