he first law of thermodynamics is the
"conservation law" -- that matter and energy are never created,
never destroyed, but simply transfer from one form to another.
At a sublime level of human experience -- one that no amount of
mathematical formulating or other intellectual modelling can
possibly prove, no more than I can prove to you that when I look
up into the sky on a clear day I see the color blue -- you get
to add something else. Matter and energy are viewable,
measureable, attribute-identifiable realities only because
of something else: consciousness. That consciousness itself
is never created and never destroyed and simply transfers from
one form to another smacks of scientific heresy. What, on
earth, do you do with such lunacy in a society so committed to
the mechanistic? But there it is -- if you have the inner vision
to cognize it -- in all its elegant, wondrous, and, yes, simple

The role of consciousness
and its manifestation as "thought," is an irrelevancy in the
rigid halls of Darwinian evolutionary "science." Never mind that
Darwin himself had serious doubts about his own theory, bringing
to mind the "second thoughts" of his intellectual, nineteenth
century, theorist cousin, Karl Marx ("I am not a Marxist!")
The latest battleground in this area, a cornerstone in biological
sciences, pits traditional Darwinists against those who
argue for "intelligent design." Their primary contentions
include: that there is no proof that you can obtain
life from randomness, increasing specialty and orderliness
from chaos, natural selection from non-selection,
natural law from no law, origination from
non-origination . . . consciousness from
unconsciousness -- all without adult supervision.
Indeed, in its strictest interpretation,
Darwinism is a rejection of the most basic laws of physics --
it is a celebration of the idea that you can obtain
something for nothing, from nothing.

Cracks in the mechanistic
egg have come from several sources all at once -- insufficient,
of course, to change how organized medicine does business
or infuse any logic into the profit-based edicts of the FDA
(such as the latest piece of front page lunacy: that
lower priced pharmaceuticals in Canada that are made from the same
U.S. multinationals -- same drugs, same labs, same labels,
same protocols, same everything -- are unsafe). Nonetheless,
the cracks are there -- and they are growing daily.

One of the most
series flaws in the mechanistic universe of the
hardened biologist came in the form of biological
transmutations. Although far more respected in Europe
and Japan, the work of Professor C. Louis Kervran
is now an indisputable fact of scientific life.
His discovery that biological organisms are able
to literally transmute elements in ways we cannot begin
to understand was a blow to Lavoisier's law and the
dogma of "the invariability of elements."
2 .
Outside the U.S., transmutations are recognized in medicine.
The have "opened the door to new treatments and therapeutics
for reputedly 'incurable' disease. There are solutions
already projected for curing arteriosclerosis,
rheumatism, excessive arterial tensions, decalcification,
kidney stones, hormonal deficiencies, etc. in a natural
way, without danger to the patient. Agronomists are
already practicing Kervran's findings on a large

That scientists
of the mechanistic order would have to acknowledge that
life is capable to manipulating and changing elements
in ways that inorganic systems, at least from what we
have been able to observe so far, are incapable is
indignity enough.

Then along comes
Rupert Sheldrake and his hypothesis of formative causation --
a theoretical system for explaining the unexplainable by
attributing to life forms the ability to reorganize
morphology and function over time. Have our immutable Laws
of Science always been there, or have they been "developed"
over time by the imprint of consciousness, by habits
that, in effect, "evolve" into laws? Studying the effects
of morphogenetic fields or "M-Fields," one begins to realize
that much of what we regard as "reality," as in
The Matrix,
are just constructs. In this world, as in The Matrix, some
laws can be changed; others broken. Do repetitive thought
forms make impressions within the universe change these
constructs -- these, so-called "immutable laws"?
It has been over twenty years since Sheldrake's ground
breaking book was published, yet I have found no compelling
arguments that the form, development, and behavior of living
organisms is NOT shaped and maintained by M-Fields generated
by members of that species.

Taking the journey
along the Exosomatic Axis to the Endosomatic takes us towards
not only an acceptance of transmuting elements and
reality-altering M-Fields, but into realms of
parapsychology devoted to healing.

The "power of prayer"
is an acknowledged phenomena is all twelve major world
religions. We can accept -- even if we think that the
effect is just occasional, or that it only works for
"certain people" -- that prayers, or healing thoughts,
can change the outcome in a person's health. And yet
few of us will take the time to learn how such practices,
like all human endeavors, and be improved upon and
perfected further. It is the urge to reach for an
exosomatic solution that holds us back. But the
answers are within, beckoning us to pay attention.

One of the
great anomalies of modern science is that it accepts
the mind-body connection with its suits its situational
master -- be that of an academic, public relations,
or most commonly, commercial nature. And it doesn't
suit its purposes, it discards the obvious.

As a young
practitioner of meditation in the early 70's, I could see
the effects of changes in thought, in my own life and
health. I remember attending a Jose Silva Mind Control
course in 1973 in Hollywood, California. At that point,
I had already been practicing deep meditation for well
over a year; and TM for several months. At one point
the instructor used a device to show that when
participants had their eyes closed and were in a settled
state, their brain waves were in "alpha wave" frequency,
instead of beta. When the mind was quite active, the
device registered "beta. I could sense and control the difference
whether I had eyes open or not, whether I was actively
"thinking" or not. When the instructor handed me the
device, I stared at him while maintaining "alpha."
He gave me some math problems to solve, at which
point I understood what he was trying to do.
I solved the problems while still maintaining "alpha."
He took back the device and minimized my participation
for the remainder of the course.

But maintaining
specific brain frequencies at will is not the same as
consciously and willfully influencing deeper bodily
function -- let alone treating serious disease.
Or is it?

One vanguard
in the thick of endosomatic healing is Russell Targ.
We talked about him in a previous chapter, but
his work bears repeating here. A physicist and
pioneer in the field of remote viewing, Targ now
gives courses on remote viewing and distant healing.
Psychic abilities in this area, like the CIA-funded
programs for teaching remote viewing, can be learned.
Rigorous testing can be performed to SHOW that
individuals can develop extraordinary powers to
diagnosis disease . . . and treat the problem.

Targ, a true
physicist and classically trained scientist, is very
emphatic about the empirical aspect of his work.
His testing protocols consistently produce results.
It can readily shown that these training programs
are effective, and in varying degrees from individual
to individual -- no doubt influenced by the fact that
we all have different degrees of innate psychic
talent -- and they work.

Even more
exciting is their accumulative effect. As more and more
people master remote healing abilities, this activity,
in and of itself, will create its own M-field.
We have the opportunity to create an inherited,
species-wide ability, much as Bucke noted in the
growing "cosmic sense" over one hundred years ago --
more likely concurrent with it.

As a culture,
as a society, we have always viewed progress through
the lens of exosomatic development, ignoring the
infinite possibilities that reside, unexplored,
within the confines of our own
internal universe.

That universe,
in our age (or yuga) is just now being tapped --
and through circumstances, perhaps more through
necessity than volition, it will be developed
further. It is the inevitable direction of
our race.